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MA, BLit.
Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, Oxford University,
Personal Details
Born 10 December 1902; only daughter of late Sir James Wycliffe Headlam-Morley,
CBE, Historical Adviser to the Foreign Office.
Wimbledon High Sch., GPDST; Somerville Coll., Oxford.
Fellow and Tutor, St Hugh's Coll., Oxford, 1932. Adopted Prospective
Conservative Candidate, Barnard Castle Div. of Durham, 1936. Hon. Fellow:
Somerville Coll., Oxford, 1948; St Hugh's Coll., Oxford, 1970; Mem., St Antony's
Coll. Received into the Roman Catholic Church, 1948. Mem., Academic Council,
Wilton Park. Founder Mem., Anglo-German Assoc.
The New Democratic Constitutions of Europe, 1929; Editor (with K.
Headlam-Morley) of Studies in Diplomatic History by J. W. Headlam-Morley, 1930;
Arthur Cayley Headlam (a memoir published in The Fourth Gospel as History by A.
C. Headlam, 1948); Last Days, 1960; (ed) A Memoir of the Peace Conference of
Paris 1919 by J. W. Headlam-Morley, 1972; essay on Gustav Stresemann in The
History Makers, ed Sir John Wheeler-Bennett and Lord Longford, 1973; contrib.
Longford Report on Pornography, 1976; articles and reviews in Trivium and
History Today.
29 St Mary's Road, Wimbledon, SW19; St Hugh's College, Oxford. Telephone: 01-946
Died 21 February 1986.

Allan Headlam was born in South Africa in 1942, returning to the UK and the North East of England in 1946 and eventually winning a scholarship to St.Peter's School, York. As a City of York Exhibitioner he went up to Edinburgh University in 1962. He graduated as a Junior Honours Prizeman with an Honours MA in French with German and transferred to Oxford University (Exeter College) conmpleting a Diploma in Education in 1966-67.
He then commenced a 6 year period lecturing in France, firstly at the University of Nice and then between 1969 and 1973 at the Universities of Paris X (Nanterre) and Paris IV (Paris-Sorbonne). His research interests while studying under Professor Jean Onimus at Nice had led to enrolment for a Doctorat d'Université, later upgraded to a Doctorat de 3e Cycle, on "Le Décor naturel dans l'oeuvre de Samuel Beckett" which he defended in 1979 and for which he was awarded a 'MentionTrès Bien'.
Appointed to Oxford Polytechnic (now Oxford Brookes University) in September 1973 Allan Headlam was closely involved in developing the then new Modular Honours BA Course in French Language and Contemporary Studies. In addition to a sabbatical year in 1981-82 when he studied for the Certificat d'Etudes Politiques at Sciences Po' in Paris and lectured part-time at Paris III (Université de la Sorbonne-Nouvelle) he has concentrated on lecturing and researching aspects of the French Media, Popular Culture, Rural France and the Environment.
He was appointed Principal Lecturer and Head of the French Department in 1988.

HEADLAM, Rt Rev. Arthur Cayley
CH 1921; MA, DD, Hon. DD (Aberdeen, Trinity College, Dublin, Durham, London,
Oslo); Order of St Sava (Serbia) 4th Class; Order of the Crown of Serbia, 2nd
Class; Knight Commander Order of the White Rose of Finland, 1st Class.
Personal Details
Born Whorlton, Durham, 2 August 1862; eldest son of late Rev. A. W. Headlam;
married 1900, Evelyn Persis (died 1924), daughter of Rev. George Wingfield,
Rector of Glatton, Hunts
Winchester College (scholar); New College, Oxford (scholar), 2nd class, Class
Moderations; 1st class, Final Classical School.
Fellow of All Souls' Coll., Oxford, 1885-1897 and since 1924; Theological
Lecturer Oriel, Queen's, and Trinity; Birkbeck Lecturer Trinity Coll.,
Cambridge, 1897-1898; Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Southwell, 1891-1904;
Select Preacher to the University of Oxford, 1899-1901, 1915-1917; of Cambridge,
1918-1919; Rector of Welwyn, Herts, 1896-1903; Member of the Senate of London
University, 1903-1913; Bampton Lecturer 1920; Fellow of King's Coll. London,
1905; editor of the Church
Quarterly Review, 1901-1921; Principal of King's College, London, 1903-1912;
Professor of Dogmatic Theology, King's College, London, 1903-1916; Regius
Professor of Divinity, Oxford University, and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford,
1918-1923; Bishop of Gloucester, 1923-1945; FRHortS.
Ecclesiastical Sites in Isauria, 1893; joint author with Professor Sanday of a
Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, 1895; Teaching
of the Russian Church, 1897; contributor to Authority and Archæology, 1899; to
New Testament Criticism, 1902; to London Theological Studies, 1911; and to
Hastings' Bible Dictionary; Sources and Authority of Dogmatic Theology, 1903;
History, Authority, and Theology, 1909; St Paul and Christianity, 1913; The
Miracles of the New Testament, 1914; The Revenues of the Church of England,
1917; The Study of Theology, Inaugural Lecture, 1918; The Doctrine of the Church
and Christian Reunion (Bampton Lectures), 1920; The Life and Teaching of Jesus
the Christ, 1923; The Church of England, 1924; Jesus Christ in Faith and
History, 1925; Economics and Christianity, 1926; The New Prayer Book, 1927; The
Building of the Church of Christ (Sermons), 1928; Christian Unity, 1930; What it
Means to be a Christian, 1933; Christian Theology; The Doctrine of God, 1934;
The Task of the Christian Church (an address), 1942; Why I am Satisfied: An Open
Letter to Professor C. E. M. Joad, 1944; The Holy Catholic Church, 1945.
Whorlton Hall, Barnard Castle. Telephone: Whorlton 25.
Died 17 January 1947
Additional Notes
Headlam, Arthur Cayley 1862-1947, bishop of Gloucester, was born at Whorlton
Hall, county Durham, 2 August 1862, the eldest of the four sons and five
children of the Rev. Arthur William Headlam by his first wife, Agnes Sarah,
daughter of James Favell, of Normanton, Yorkshire. A younger brother was Sir
James Wycliffe Headlam-Morley [q.v.]. His father held successively three Durham
incumbencies, Whorlton, St. Oswald's, Durham, and Gainford, and became an
honorary canon of Durham Cathedral.
On his mother's side, through the Caley family, Headlam had a link of descent
from Oliver Cromwell. In 1876 he won a scholarship at Winchester, where his
vigorous ways won him the nickname of 'the General'. In 1881 he went with a
scholarship to New College, Oxford, obtaining a second class in classical
moderations in 1883, a first in literae humaniores in 1885, and a fellowship of
All Souls in the same year. He was ordained deacon in 1888 and priest in 1889,
taught theology in Oxford, travelled and explored in the Near East with (Sir) W.
M. Ramsay [q.v.], and in 1895 with William Sanday [q.v.] produced a standard
commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. From 1896 he held the rectory of Welwyn,
Hertfordshire, until in 1903 he was appointed principal of King's College,
London. He proceeded D.D. in the same year.
At King's College Headlam found abundant scope for his energy, for his powers of
organization, and for a determination which did not easily brook opposition. He
was successful in dividing the college, hitherto a unitary medley of faculties
and educational bodies, into two separate parts, the larger of them consisting
of the secular faculties, and being incorporated in the university of London.
The smaller part, King's College Theological Department, kept its independence
under its own council as a denominational body of teachers and students. The
system of collegiate life and government thus established may seem, as indeed it
was, complicated. But in fact King's College retained a real unity of spirit and
the 'dualist' plan has been called by one of Headlam's successors 'a remarkable
piece of statesmanship'. It was not achieved without hard fighting, and
Headlam's resignation after ten years' work was due to his desire for more
leisure to read and write and to differences of opinion both with the senate and
with the Board of Education.
Throughout his life, indeed, despite administrative cares, he was a prolific and
vigorous author on biblical and theological subjects, while his editorship of
the Church Quarterly Review (1901-21) gave him opportunities which he used to
the full, especially during the war of 1914-18, of expressing with unvarying
clarity his opinions on contemporary affairs.
In 1918 he was appointed regius professor of divinity at Oxford. He was a
strong head of the faculty, convinced that its primary purpose was to train
ministers of religion and in particular clergy of the Church of England,
convinced also of the need to promote the advanced study of theology: for this
latter purpose he created a seminar. The Bampton lectures of 1920 on 'The
Doctrine of the Church and Christian Reunion', his most notable achievement
during his professorship, expressed with characteristic independence and
confidence some much-controverted judgements on subjects which deeply engaged
his thought.
Headlam had by this time won a well-deserved reputation as a scholar, an
administrator, and a churchman of vigour and decision. He had for long been
closely concerned with the problems of Christian reunion at home and abroad,
combining strong adherence to historic episcopacy with equally strong conviction
of the validity of the ministries and sacraments of the great nonconformist
communities, and with the desire to move towards reunion by recognizing that
His familiarity with the Orthodox Churches of Eastern Europe, with the Old
Catholics and with the Lutherans was founded not only on his historical
knowledge but upon close acquaintance with contemporary conditions gained
through much travel and correspondence: he showed generous hospitality during
the war of 1914-18 and later to members of many foreign Churches. He was
appointed C.H. in 1921. His consecration as bishop of Gloucester in 1923
increased his influence in ecumenical affairs and throughout his episcopate he
devoted much time to them. From 1933 to 1945 he was chairman of the Church of
England Council on Foreign Relations.
In his work as a bishop, as in many other relations of life, Headlam often
appeared brusque and insensitive, even hard and unsympathetic. He always knew
his own mind and expressed himself with uncompromising clearness: a
characteristic reserve and unsentimentality combined with a quick temper and a
disregard of criticism often made him seem difficult and unapproachable.
Certainly he could be bluntly impervious to the effect of his words. But he
respected and welcomed forthrightness in others: differences of opinion did not
damage old friendships, and there was a strong sense of justice and kindness in
his dealings with those in trouble. Solidity and directness attracted him both
in learning and in life.
The cares of his diocese did not put an end to his long series of books
on theology and the interpretation of the New Testament. In these fields he was
an enlightened conservative, keeping in touch with new knowledge and new
theories but strongly critical of views which seemed to strain the evidence or
to move far from the positions which his own studies had tested and to his mind
These central positions changed little throughout his life, and a big book on
Christian Theology (1934) was not very closely relevant to the particular
theological interests of that time. But in liturgical matters the Prayer Book
controversy deeply engaged him: he became a stout supporter of the revision and
urged the need for fresh and continuous study of the whole subject. And at the
end of his life he was busy in reconsideration of the problems of the Fourth
Headlam was elected an honorary fellow of New College in 1936. After resigning
his see in 1945 he lived at Whorlton Hall, his home in county Durham. He had
many interests: his books, his coin collection, above all his garden to which he
had often returned with delight. Deafness had long troubled him, but until near
the end of his life he was a man of strong and massive frame. He died at
Whorlton Hall 17 January 1947. His wife, Evelyn Persis, daughter of the late
Rev. George Wingfield, whom he married in 1900, died in 1924. There was no issue
of the marriage. A portrait of Headlam by George Hall Neale is at Gloucester,
and a drawing by Francis Dodd is at Whorlton Hall.
Biographical essay by Agnes Headlam-Morley, prefixed to The Fourth Gospel as
History, 1948; The Times, 18 January 1947; F. J. C. Hearnshaw, Centenary History
of King's College, London, 1929; Burke's Landed Gentry, 1952 (s.v. Headlam and
Parry-Wingfield of Tickencote); personal knowledge.
Alwyn Winton: (A. T. P. Williams.)
Published 1959

HEADLAM, Rev. Arthur William
Personal Details
Born Wycliffe Rectory, 25 July 1826; 5th son of Ven. Archdeacon Headlam, and
Maria, daughter of Rev. Thomas Wilson Morley; married 1st, 1861, Agnes Sarah,
daughter of James Favell of Normanton; 2nd, 1876, Louisa Ann, daughter of John
Woodall of Scarborough; two sons one daughter.
Durham and Sedbergh Schools; Trinity Coll., Camb. (Scholar and Members' Prize).
BA 1849; MA 1852; adeundem, Durham, 1868.
Deacon, 1849; priest, 1851; Curate of Knebworth, Herts, 1851-1852; Wycliffe,
Yorks, 1852-1854; Vicar of Whorlton, Durham, 1854-1876; St Oswald's, Durham,
1876-1896; Gainford, Durham, 1896-1901; Proc. Diocese Durham, 1880-1885; Hon.
Canon of Durham, 1901.
Whorlton Hall, Barnard Castle.
Died 24 February 1909
